Caroline Douglas


When I was young, I was often told, “You have such a big imagination.” I began expressing that imagination with many different kinds of materials and then settled on clay as my main medium. For the last 40 years, my inspiration has come from mythology, fairy tales and dreams, as well as archetypes, nursery rhymes, folk tales and observing nature. I am intrigued by stories of the mythic hero/heroine who travels inward and the quality of spirit found in the art of ancient cultures.

I also love sharing my love of clay and the healing power of art in workshops around the world in magical places that bring us alive. I have exhibited widely in the Denver /Boulder area and participated in SOFA in Chicago and American Craft Shows across the country. Publications include Ceramics: Art and Perception, Lark Books, The Shambhala Sun and Better Homes and Gardens. I have work in the National Museum for Women in the Arts and many private collections.

Let’s celebrate life by doing something creative~ Creativity is a magnet for magic!